
What are the conveyance charges?

Conveyance charges fluctuates of every Seller.

Merchants bring about moderately higher transportation costs on low worth things. In such cases, charging an ostensible conveyance charge encourages them balance co-ordinations costs. It would be ideal if you check your request synopsis to comprehend the conveyance charges for singular items.

For what reason does the conveyance date not compare to the conveyance course of events of X-Y business days?

It is conceivable that the Seller or our dispatch accomplices have an occasion between the day your put in your request and the date of conveyance, which depends on the courses of events appeared on the item page. For this situation, we add a day to the assessed date. Some dispatch accomplices and Sellers don’t take a shot at Sundays and this is figured in to the conveyance dates.

What is the assessed conveyance time?

Venders for the most part obtain and dispatch the things inside the time indicated on the item page. Business days prohibit open occasions and Sundays.

Assessed conveyance time relies upon the accompanying components:

The Seller offering the item

Item’s accessibility with the Seller

The goal to which you need the request delivered to and area of the Seller.

Are there any concealed costs (deals charge, octroi and so on) on things sold by Sellers on Wishbee?

There are NO shrouded charges when you make a buy on Wishbee. Rundown costs are conclusive and comprehensive. The value you see on the item page is actually what you would pay.

Conveyance charges are not concealed charges and are charged (if by any means) extra relying upon the Seller’s transportation approach.

For what reason does the evaluated conveyance time shift for every merchant?

You have likely seen shifting assessed conveyance times for dealers of the item you are keen on. Conveyance times are affected result accessibility, geographic area of the Seller, your delivery goal and the messenger accomplice’s a great opportunity to-convey in your area.

If it’s not too much trouble enter your default stick code on the item page (you don’t need to enter it each and every opportunity) to realize increasingly precise conveyance times on the item page itself.

Vender doesn’t/can’t ship to my region. Why?

It would be ideal if you enter your pincode on the item page (you don’t need to enter it each and every opportunity) to know whether the item can be conveyed to your area.

In the event that you haven’t gave your pincode until the checkout arrange, the pincode in your delivery address will be utilized to check for usefulness.

Regardless of whether your area can be overhauled or not relies upon

Regardless of whether the Seller boats to your area

Lawful confinements, assuming any, in transportation specific items to your area

The accessibility of dependable messenger accomplices in your area

Now and again Sellers incline toward not to ship to specific areas. This is totally at their caution.

For what reason is the CoD alternative not offered in my area?

Accessibility of CoD relies upon the capacity of our messenger accomplice adjusting your area to acknowledge money as installment at the hour of conveyance.

Our messenger accomplices have constrains on the money sum payable on conveyance relying upon the goal and your request worth may have surpassed this point of confinement. It would be ideal if you enter your stick code on the item page to check if CoD is accessible in your area.

I have to restore a thing, how would I orchestrate a get?

Returns are simple. Get in touch with Us to start an arrival. You will get a call clarifying the procedure, when you have started an arrival.

Any place conceivable by Logistics will encourage the get of the thing. On the off chance that, the get can’t be orchestrated through us, you can restore the thing through an outsider dispatch administration. Return charges are borne by the Seller.

What do the various labels like “In Stock”, “Accessible” mean?

‘In Stock’

FFor things recorded as “In Stock”, Sellers will make reference to the conveyance time dependent on your area pincode (generally 2-3 business days, 4-5 business days or 4-6 business days in regions where standard messenger administration is accessible). For different regions, requests will be sent by Registered Post through the Indian Postal Service which may take 1-2 weeks relying upon the area.


The Seller probably won’t have the thing in stock yet can secure it when a request is put for the thing. The conveyance time will rely upon the evaluated obtainment time and the assessed sending time to your area.

‘Preorder’ or ‘Pending’

Such things are relied upon to be discharged soon and can be pre-reserved for you. The thing will be delivered to you upon the arrival of it’s authentic discharge dispatch and will contact you in 2 to 6 business days. The Preorder term shifts from thing to thing. When known, discharge time and date is referenced. (Eg. fifth May, August third week)

‘Out of Stock’

As of now, the thing isn’t accessible available to be purchased. Utilize the ‘Tell Me’ highlight to know once it is accessible for procurement.


Once in a while, things must be sourced by Sellers from outside India. These things are referenced as ‘Imported’ on the item page and can take at any rate 10 days or more to be conveyed to you.

‘Back In Stock Soon’

The thing is well known and is sold out. You can anyway ‘book’ a request for the item and it will be dispatched by the courses of events referenced by the Seller.

‘Briefly Unavailable’

The item is presently out of stock and isn’t accessible for procurement. The item could to be available soon. Utilize the ‘Inform Me’ highlight to know when it is accessible for procurement.

‘For all time Discontinued’

This item is never again accessible on the grounds that it is out of date as well as its creation has been suspended.

‘No longer in production’

This item isn’t accessible in light of the fact that it is never again being distributed and has been for all time ended.

Does Wishbee convey universally?

Starting at now, Wishbee doesn’t convey things globally.

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